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Hello and welcome to Stuck on Storytelling. One can assume that I am an aspiring author based on the name of my blog, and you would be right...

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Take a Break

Many folks will tell you that writing is hobby, but actual writers will tell you that it is a job. Whether you are published and paid or not, treating your writing as if it is a job can benefit you. Dedicate time just to write, everyday if you can. By doing so you can manage to produce more and hone your craft. the more you do something the better at it you get. However, just as with a regular rat race job, you need to break and let your brain rest. Nine to five workers have the tendency to take a vacation or have holidays that they aren't required to work, treat yourself the same way when it come to being a writer. If you focus too much on a certain thing you lose finesse out of a feeling of obligation to "do the job". Don't write on Labor Day or Christmas, take a week or two off every so often and let your brain rest.

Although you may be taking time of to rest your mind, don't let your creative side rest. If you are handy with a pencil or even paint, take the time to make portraits of your characters. If you are like me though, you have to step away completely. Read a book (Or ten), binge on some netflix, go shopping, catch up on the news even. These things may be distractions, but they can be healthy distractions to the writer's mind. We draw inspiration from these things. We emulate aspects of favorite author's books, gain ideas from the visual aspects and drama of film, and imitate reality within the world we create and the stories we tell. Don't get hyper focused and don't overdo yourself, just remember that you are only human even if you are writing tales of Gods. Just take a break.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Choosing background noise and letting life be my muse.

I don't know how many other writers like to lay music while they're working, but I do. Just like countless studies state that instrumental music helps students retain knowledge while they are studying, I have that there are benefits when writing as well. Not only am I more likely to remember some of the smaller details without taking notes (I am dreadful at doing this), but the music itself helps to get the 'noggin joggin'. If I am listening to a light flowing type composition like the ones marketed toward meditation, I am inspired to write a more relaxed scene. The character would be more likely to participate in a soft bonding conversation or perhaps some companionable snuggling if I'm a writing a romantic tale. If I switch to some industrial or perhaps instrumental heavy metal it helps me focus on writing chase or fight scenes. Ambient styles or dark chamber music lead me into writing about the inner conflict of my characters, like a loss that they experienced for example. Jazz is great for some of the more smutty scenes. Gere of music impacts the direction my story goes as well as the tone of the scene that I'm writing.

However, if I have to stop writing mid scene for any reason, its hard to pick back up and spend almost as much time switching between music styles to regain momentum as I do actually finishing that scene. God forbid I try to write when anyone other than myself is at home though. When I'm not working I can enjoy the netflix ADD of my family, or even the sounds of their simple movements homework is done and plastic ponies are being groomed. These activities can be inspiring, however focusing enough to write at that moment is challenging. I keep a notebook in almost every room of the house as well as my purse because of this. When I can remember to write down an idea based on an interaction I had the grocery store or based on the retelling of what happened at my daughter's middle school that day, I can carry these things into an existing project or as the start of a new one.

Branch out your musical taste from 'old town road', Usher, or Lamb of God. Listen to some video game soundtracks, recreated viking style music, or even some Mozart. You might be surprised by where they take you and what you could imagine while listening. Pay attention to drunk that sits alone at the same bar stool every time you go out with your buddies, he could have a story to tell without you ever interacting with him. Listen to your kids argue for a minute before you break it up. Not only are you giving them the chance to problem solve on their own, but you might hear an inspiring tid-bit straight from the mouth of babes. Let the music set the mood, let life be your muse and take your time. Stress just blocks the mind.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019


Hello and welcome to Stuck on Storytelling. One can assume that I am an aspiring author based on the name of my blog, and you would be right. I enjoy writing and one day hope to finish a project and get it published. I write predominately fantasy or paranormal romance, but wouldn't mind branching out into other genres that enjoy one day.

On the home page I plan to have general gripes about writing, life, and one day announcements. I plan on publishing excerpts from some of my writing projects for the purpose of feedback and inspiration. These I will organize into pages.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me. I want your opinions, whether it be advice on what to improve or ideas on where to take my characters next.
